Let’s get right to the point: today’s Christianity — mess that it is sometimes — has large pockets of people who proudly proclaim the perils of alcohol and smoking and other...
On Departing From Sound Doctrine
About seven years ago, I was ordained and sent out by a local Baptist church where I had trained and served as the associate pastor for a couple of years. Soon, they will be rescinding that...
On Evening Services
I recently read a social media post by a popular pastor in my region both bemoaning the loss of “night services” (evening meetings at church on Sundays and Wednesdays) and chastising...
Oh, the Blasphemy
These three words were urgently uttered in unspeakable umbrage on Facebook by a lady not after reading a sermon by Robert Tilton, Joseph Smith or Charles Taze Russell, but after seeing a snapshot of...
On Blogging
I am starting this blog for a few reasons. Truncation is the rule of social media, like it or not. Blogs, however, have no such expectation. Controlled comments. Way more conducive to charity...