Today, both in the secular world and within the church, the idea of hard, constant, difficult, exhausting, gritty work is seen as something to be avoided, or at least meticulously managed and...
On loving Like Jesus
Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about loving like Jesus. It’s come up in everything from the letter from which I’m preaching on Sunday mornings (Philippians 2 at present) to our...
On The Tragedy In Lewiston
Just last week, I read about how Maine is second only to one other state (also in New England) in how few murders occur each year. Just last night, I learned of a mass-shooting event in multiple...
On “Those” Pastoral Posts
You can count on it: sometime on any given Saturday night and straight on into Sunday morning, a very particular kind of pastoral post appears on most Christians’ social media feeds. I can see...
On Self-Control
I don’t think most would argue against the assessment that America has a self-control problem. In a previous post, I pontificated on our peculiar penchant to preach on particular perils while...
On Eternity
My oldest son came upstairs long after his bedtime last night, clearly fighting back little tears. I asked him what was wrong, and he, after the briefest of hesitations, relayed what was troubling...
There are no more New Worlds. Consider the original “Brexit,” if you will. The United States of America, in a revolution born from the chaos of desperation and reaction, effectively...
On Race Scars
Like John beat Peter in a footrace to the tomb on Easter morning, some folks outpaced me on the way out of some unhelpful and simply false teachings. And of course, I judged them harshly when they...
I have COVID. Again. For the third time. That’s three strains now. I’ve experienced Beta, Omicron, and now this new Omicron-related strain called “BA-5.” Or “XBB.”...
On Kissing Waves
“I have learned to kiss the waves that throw me up against the Rock of Ages,” said Spurgeon. I haven’t nearly perfected this to where I can resolutely say that this is something...